Television Publicity Series, Part I: Why TV Publicity Matters

This is the first post of a series discussing television publicity. Today, we explain why it is extremely productive to shape and secure high-profile television appearances that allow clients to speak on topics of importance to them.

In developing media strategy for our clients, broadcast exposure is often a priority because it:

Allows you to reach a very large target audience during a concentrated period of time. The following is a sample of how much you would need to spend on a one-minute morning commercial to achieve the equivalent reach that an interview garners on the following network shows:

While advertising equivalency is just one measurement tool, it is a useful benchmark to assess the value of television exposure.

Enhances business and product credibility, which drives sales. Interviews by respected business anchors like Maria Bartiromo and Becky Quick speak volumes to your credibility. For one client, an appearance on Bloomberg Television’s Taking Stock with Pimm Fox regarding a new forex product led to a number of account openings and more than ten incoming calls from large corporations and investors. (To view it, click here).

Creates content that can be leveraged in the digital space. Almost every television network hosts segments online and there are a number of ways to showcase your coverage. Next time you are on television, make sure to use your clip in sales and networking efforts via direct email and as an add-on to any email marketing. Think carefully about other outposts for the clip, such as your: website, blog, Facebook page, Twitter feed, internal communications and marketing material. Many of our clients, including IG Markets, Hay Group and BDO USA, are already doing this.

Gives the company a personality. Print interviews, press releases and web copy do not provide the C-suite access that shareholders, investors and clients need from financial services and professional services firms. In addition to national broadcast exposure, video blogs and informative videos also help satisfy the need for personal communication while creating the additional content mentioned above. (See here for a client example).

Stay tuned for insights on how to get booked on television. Meantime, why do you seek television publicity? What success stories could you share? What challenges are you facing?

To reach Rachel:

Phone:  212.840.5476
Twitter: @RachelBethG
LinkedIn: Rachel Gerber