Group Vice President, Workplace

Meghan Powers

Nashville, TN

Meghan leads Bliss client programs that sit at the dynamic intersection of workplace and health care. With a rich background working alongside benefits consultants, HR administrators, and insurers, Meghan crafts and leads integrated external communications programs that shape the workplaces of today and tomorrow. 

With expertise managing communications for large, complex organizations, Meghan leads programs that drive brand awareness and corporate reputation. She has managed cross-channel executive thought leadership strategies for C-suite of Fortune 500 companies and is committed to building impactful, results-driven approaches with her client partners.       

Meghan previously worked for the First Lady of Tennessee to market the State of Tennessee’s childhood education initiatives, and she continues to focus on advancing childhood education as a board member of Fannie Battle Day Home for Children in her home of Nashville, Tennessee.       

She graduated cum laude from Denison University with a B.A. in English Literature and Religion. Outside of Bliss, Meghan can be found exploring restaurants in Nashville and on her travels, and then attempting to recreate her favorite meals in her own kitchen. 

Q & A

I’d encourage myself to embrace the unknown and take on new challenges with curiosity and enthusiasm. It’s in these moments that you will learn and grow the most.

I enjoy working most with clients who are collaborative, allowing Bliss to serve as a true extension of an in-house team. When a partner is willing to let Bliss have a transparent view of their own challenges, needs and style, we build the most successful partnerships.

I get the most energy in my day when I’m meeting with my teammates to talk through a client challenge and brainstorm a creative solution together.

To unwind after a long day, I’m usually taking a yoga class and making progress on my Goodreads annual reading challenge.

“Fortune favors the bold.”