Senior Vice President, Financial Services Practice Co-Lead

Greg Hassel

Greg has worked closely with companies across the financial services industry—including banking, insurance, corporate finance, asset management, wealth management and commercial real estate—for 15 years.  

Greg cut his teeth in media relations and helps elevate companies’ brands and develop key executives as credible thought leaders and experts in their respective fields. He has supported the development and execution of integrated PR/marketing campaigns that reach B2B, B2C, and B2B2C audiences. This includes proprietary research development and distribution, social media support, and overall content strategy.  

Greg’s interest in financial services stems from challenges disrupting the industry, like new and better technology, regulatory shifts, and ever-changing economic conditions. Navigating those challenges with clients and effectively reaching their target audiences—through traditional, digital, and/or social media channels—are responsibilities he embraces. He is also passionate about financial literacy, especially helping younger generations obtain essential financial skills and knowledge to prepare them for future financial decision-making. 

Greg graduated from Boston College with a B.A. in English and Communication.

Q & A

Ask questions, work hard, embrace every opportunity, and don’t be afraid to fail. The people around you will see it, appreciate it, and have your back 100% of the time. If they don’t? Find another company.

I’ve been fortunate to work with two of the same clients for the entirety of my Bliss career, who have been with Bliss for 10+ and 20+ years. During that stretch, we’ve constantly needed to evolve and improve our programs to achieve our desired goals, especially amidst the ever-changing economic and communications landscape. Those longstanding partnerships and that trust mean the world to me.

A partner—not a client—where our team operates as a true extension of theirs and a two-way feedback loop for continuous improvement is encouraged.

Dedication and a “can do” attitude. There’s nothing we can’t figure out and achieve together as a team.

As a father of two, I like to spend as much time with my kids as possible, whether that’s at the park, on the sports fields, or even the much-anticipated trips to Costco. I’m also a big believer in “sweat equity” and have done plenty of DIY jobs around the house, but only when I’m not watching the New York Mets, Giants, Knicks, Rangers…or really any sporting event that’s on TV!