Chief Executive Officer, Managing Partner, and Owner

Cortney Stapleton

Cortney is CEO and owner of The Bliss Group, a mid-sized marketing communications firm. She works with companies in technology, healthcare, financial and professional services; using data and analytics to understand what is moving clients’ prospects to action. Cortney’s passion is supporting brands in their journey towards identifying and fulfilling a core purpose that drives change in the world.

Her background in issues management has rendered her adept at marketing people, ideas and expertise. Cortney has provided senior counsel to Fortune 50 companies looking for full funnel marketing programs as well as start-ups transforming their industries and middle market companies who want to use AI and analytics to tell meaningful stories.

Cortney helped launch Bliss Impact, a division focused on purpose-driven solutions for non-profits as well as financial, professional, consumer and healthcare clients. Bliss Impact helps companies understand their purpose and how to have a more positive impact on the world.

Cortney, with several of her trusted industry colleagues and former clients, started Exponent Women, an overt networking organization for senior women in the PE and merger and acquisition community.

Supporting her entrepreneurial spirit over the years she helped start two companies with her partner as part of a larger marcomm platform – Next Tech Communications and Bliss Bio Health.

Cortney sits on the board of Empowered Network, a support organization for survivors of human trafficking, helping them achieve financial freedom. She is a member of the Page Society and sits on the Board of Trustees for the Institute of Public Relations. She is on fundraising committees in New York City for 50/50 Women on Boards and Womankind.

Prior to her career in marketing and PR, Cortney worked in the non-profit sector and for the state government of Vermont. She held board positions for the Council on Accreditation, which accredits thousands of health and human services organizations in the US; Social Current, focused on setting DEI standards for the social sector nationally; Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and lastly Red Light Children. She has done pro-bono work with universities and the United Nations.

Cortney has been named to PR News’ Top Women in PR list. She graduated magna cum laude from New York University with a MS in international relations and earned a BA in political science and environmental studies from St. Michael’s College. Her studies brought her to three continents.

Q & A

Being truly collaborative and believing that good ideas can come from anywhere and anyone. Being intellectually curious – it is the one thing we cannot teach. It is an innate skill that opens doors for you and those around you.

My other job is raising my two boys, helping them navigate the world and figure out who they want to be. Reading (been in the same book club for 25+ years).

The team at Bliss. So few companies have the team of leaders that we have. Bringing together people who want to do something different and influential and bold and smart – it isn't easy to do, but Bliss has done it. I am proud to be a part of what we are building!

I have SO many. I love a good inspirational quote. But the ones I think about most often are these. First from a Burkina Faso proverb: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Or from Helen Keller: “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” I guess the point is - “we” is more powerful than “I”.


It actually came from a coach, before my real career even started. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.