Research & Analytics

Data-Driven Insights and Strategy

Action without insight is just a shot in the dark. Pinpoint your target audience by discovering where they spend their time. Dive deep into their motivations and pain points to captivate and convert. Gauge what’s working and what’s not with smart monitoring and precise metrics. Make every move count.
Data-driven insights underpin everything we do, from media relations to brand strategy. Our Research & Analytics team leverages cutting-edge methodologies to unearth patterns and predict trends, empowering you to make strategic decisions with confidence. From market analysis to customer behavior and beyond, we provide the intelligence you need to make a measurable impact.

Our Services

How Can We Help

Audience Analytics

To influence the behavior of your target audience, you need to know what makes them tick. We build custom audience ecosystems composed of the key decision-makers you want to reach. From there, we use analytics to understand their behavior and learn where, when and how to target them. Insights we can uncover include:

  • Interest in key themes and topic areas
  • Motivations and pain points
  • Perspectives and sentiment
  • Preferred content formats
  • Channels of engagement and channel-specific behavior
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White Space Analysis

How do you stand out in a crowded field? Leveraging our proprietary White Space Analysis framework, we identify untapped opportunities within a brand, competitor, industry, or topic. By analyzing thematic content through engagement metrics, this analysis enables organizations to strategically position their offerings, filling gaps that competitors have overlooked.

  • Differentiate your brand or perspective.
  • Enhance your market presence and market share.
  • Increase success in media outreach.
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Primary Research Studies

The best way to understand audience psychology is to connect with them directly. We facilitate focus groups and in-depth interviews to dig deep into the “why” behind your audience’s choices. By engaging in real conversations, we can observe the emotional and cognitive processes that drive decision-making.

  • Assess brand reputation and customer perception.
  • Identify audience needs and expectations.
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Competitor Analysis

Uncover hidden opportunities and stay ahead of the curve. Our competitive analysis reveals your rivals’ strengths, weaknesses, and future moves. We assess your competitors’ digital footprint, brand positioning, thought leadership, and marketing tactics to give you the intelligence to outmaneuver them.

  • See how you stack up against the competition.
  • Close the gaps in your marketing mix.
  • Find winning ways to differentiate.
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Trend Reporting

What's more valuable than insight? Foresight. By analyzing emerging trends in consumer behavior, cultural and industry movements, we help businesses anticipate market shifts and adapt their strategies accordingly. Bliss’s proactive approach ensures that key messages remain relevant and resonant. Our trend reporting not only informs your strategy but can also support external thought leadership.

  • Align your strategy with the evolving marketplace.
  • Get first-mover advantage.
  • Build your credibility as a thought leader.
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Survey Research

Your clients crave information. A well-executed survey can offer them critical data about what their competitors are doing, what their customers need, and how they should be fine-tuning their business strategies. We’ll help you develop a unique survey that offers your clients information they can’t find anywhere else, in an engaging format that keeps them coming back for your expertise.

  • Slice and dice your data to find the most compelling storylines.
  • Provide differentiated data and insights to customers and media.
  • Enhance your position as an industry-leading expert.
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Influencer Identification

Harness the power of influence to elevate your brand. Filtering by reach, engagement, and relevance, we discover the online influencers who hold sway with your target demographics. We then extensively vet your influencer shortlist for content quality, reputation, and audience compatibility.

  • Amplify your message.
  • Tap into new audiences with precision.
  • Build meaningful partnerships that drive results.
  • Enhance your visibility and credibility in the market.
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Monitoring & Measurement

Welcome to the modern era of monitoring and measurement. We offer a suite of advanced tools and analytics powered by generative AI so you can track in real time who’s engaging with your brand, how they feel about you, and where your content is being shared. We’ll help you use these insights to refine your messaging, enhance your engagement, and meet your audience where they’re at.

  • Understand what you’re known for — and what you’re not.
  • Reach new audiences to increase share of voice.
  • Anticipate and monitor potential crises so you can respond faster.
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Executive Signals Platform

What do senior executives want?

Get inside the mind of your buyers with the Executive Signals Platform (ESP), our proprietary audience intelligence solution that tracks the online behavior of senior business leaders.

Analyzing executive conversations and engagement on LinkedIn, ESP provides insight into the interests, pain points and preferences of business and government executives.

With ESP, you can:

  • Understand the trends and topics that are top of mind for your key buyers.
  • Identify the publications that receive the most engagement.
  • Benchmark your executive social thought leadership program against industry peers.
  • Gauge what’s resonating and where there may be whitespace.

Want to get a pulse on what executives want? Let’s chat more about ESP.

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Why Bliss

Turn data into 
competitive advantage

No Cookie-Cutter Approach

Every data set tells a unique story. We tailor our approach to answer your burning questions and respond to your specific needs.

Industry Insight

We bring industry expertise to data analysis so that every insight we uncover is relevant and strategically aligned with your goals.

Strategic Value

Insights are only valuable when they are actionable. We bridge the gap between understanding and action, developing data-driven insights while unpacking the “so what.”

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